Friday, June 20, 2014

Top 5: "Worst Things About Being An Aspiring Musician"

None of us have posted on here in a while. 

You'll have to get over it, as if there's any getting over to do. We've all been out working on our various projects for the past couple months, which brings me to my next post.

Top 5: Worst Things About Being An Aspiring Musician.

I'm sure most of you that might stumble upon this probably make music, of some sort.
If you do, it will be inevitable to relate. If you don't, this will at least let you in on the things that most of us deal with on a daily basis.

So, without further ado.

5. No one believes in you

This could apply to a lot of things. Your parents, friends, family, etc. Most of them think you're wasting your time, or could be doing something better. But most of them don't understand the passion you have for it, because they've never been passionate about anything before....which is pretty sad.

4. You have to trust your own gut

If you weren't aware, most people, in general, have the aptitude to lie. This truth is even more evident when you ask someone an opinion on your song. People will lie to you about their opinion to avoid hurting your feelings, but honestly, it sucks more when someone wont say your music is trash & you can tell by how they say it. "its cool" "i like it" or the most popular "nice song!" is the surefire way to tell someone their song sucks without actually saying it. Some people wont even listen to your stuff & just say something positive to avoid being a dick. So in that case, you have to observe what people would want to hear from you. 

3. Locals Wont Support You Even If You're Good

This happens all too often to local rappers down the street all around the world. Word of mouth is a dying trend, especially with the relevance of social media & the internet. Someone could like your music, but wont go the extra length to show other people just because they know you personally. It's kinda depressing. It's funny though, when people want new music but wont listen to what's being chucked in their backyard. 

2.People Think What You're Doing Isn't "Real Music"

People love to think that they 'know what real music is' and that they 'have a good taste in music.' And because they only listen to popular over compressed music, they think that all music should sound like the stuff they hear on the radio. So if your music doesnt sound like Tyga or for the more "tasteful, original" people, they think your music should sound like Kendrick Lamar or Tyler The Creator's. If it sounds like any thing different, they block it our and it's not real music. Then they bash you for making and not being popular.

1. The Lack of Attention People Give You

There is literally nothing worse on the planet than being ignored. And yes I know that you can't come up over night when making music, but god damn. People are just such ass holes about paying you any form of attention. While I understand that they don't owe me their attention or anything, they should at least have the decency to glance at me for 2 seconds. Boring crowds and unreceptive people in general are easily the biggest discouragements for any artists. People don't want to give you attention because you're a 'nobody.' But little do they know if they didn't just blank out and stare off into the distance when you show them your music or try to talk to them about it, you could gain a fan base and no longer be a 'nobody.' - CS/L$G