The Chicago rap scene, along with the Bay Area, is quickly emerging to the forefront of rap. Max Wonders is a part of that scene. A Chicago native who adds to the melting pot of music that is Chicago. It's a melting pot because you have so many different variations of music unlike most cities in the country. You have artists like GBE, then there's artists like Chance, then artists like Vic Mensa, and etc... Being from Detroit where all the music sounds pretty much the same, I'm somewhat jealous of this. I wish there was more variety in my city. But back to the subject of Max, I think there's some weird water in Chicago. Because it's home to some of the strangest light skinned people of all time. The first light skinned person that comes to mind is Fredo Santana, that niggas not even human, yet alone light skinned. Then there's Chance The Rapper, who many considers makes off the wall music, contrasting the typical light skinned raping full of tears and Jordans. Lastly, there's Max Wonders, he's paving his own path and doing music different from everyone else's. I believe that no where in the country, are there so many different style of music and light skinned people. Well except for New York, and French Montana isn't the typical light skinned person. But then again he's African so it doesn't really count. Well anyway, I've listened to Max's album 'Complicated Simplicity' several times, and the only word I can use to describe it is, hope. Hope for my generation. Hope that there'll be something from my generation that I can be proud of. Complicated Simplicity is one of my favorite types of work. It's not one of those albums that you would listen to on certain occasions. A lot of artists put out music for certain things, for example, Drake puts out music for crying, Meek Mill put outs music for punching a hole in your wall, Wale puts out music for sleeping, etc.... This is one of those tapes where, you can listen to it pretty much anytime. I've listened to it at the gym, doing homework, during long car rides, relaxing, sleeping, etc... I personally think that it's harmful for artists to make music for certain occassions because they eventually get boxed in and it's extremely hard to get out of. Complicated Simplicity was an album of diverse music, but it managed to stay cohesive. While the songs were different in nature, they all kind of ran together, which makes for very smooth listening. I've been trying to think of the negatives of this album to attempt to help Max better himself as an artist, but it's honestly not many negative things I can say about this album. The only thing I can say is Max shouldn't hesitate so much, during the interview he told me that he hesitated to put 'Goodbye' on his album. Along with White Walls, that's my favorite song by him. That would of done something amazing to the album, I realize that it's just one song, but it was a definitely a song that should of been on there I believe. But besides that, Max Wonders has an extremely bright future ahead of him, I listened to his older music such as 'Lucid Dreams' because I like to see how artists progress, and MAx has been doing that fairly well. Seeing that he's a young artist, he's still perfecting his style and I'm very much anticipating when he perfects and releases his master piece. But until then, I'll just ride along on the journey, so when he does reach that point I can say I've heard him since the beginning. I was able to get an interview with him which will posted below, along with his soundcloud and his music video to White Walls. -L$G
1. Tell everyone who you are and what you do.
Hey, I'm Max Wonders aka Wonders Max aka Billy Ray Cyrus aka aka Yung OG Shadows aka Wondaboy. And I create stuff.
2. What do you think of the most visionary man of our time: Lil B?
Protect Lil B, at all costs. Task Force
3. You're from Chicago, how has that influenced your taste, and as well as your style of music?
Chicago is a big melting pot, so I was exposed to all different music being young. It applies to my music as well, but I expand beyond the city for listening and for what I make.
4. I saw that you performed at Pitchfork during the summer, congratulations on that. That's definitely something that's huge to an artist. How did that happen?
(laughs) I didn't perform but Treated Crew did, so I was on stage supporting. Same for Lil B, we all went crazy on stage with him, cool dude. Soon, I will be, though, God willing.
5. What's your role in Treated Crew?
Of course I make music, but I'm also a creative as well. Besides that, that's my family. We all create raw products.
6. I'm kind of late on it, but Complicated Simplicity was an absolutely amazing composition. Could you explain how you went about making it?
Thanks, man. I'm glad you like it. It was just a genuinely fun project, after school, on my own time, just creating. Now looking back on it, I'm not even a big fan of it, since I'm working on new things, and I like them better. Yet, I'll never shun away from the project that pushed my name out there, ya' know?
7. You're very into clothing, I've seen that you even make some of your own clothes. How did you get I to that?
I've always been interested, just didn't know the mechanics. Then, once I learned more, I was like maybe I can make some cool stuff. Then, I got bored looking at some lines, and was like "I'll make stuff, that I like, but others can feel out."
8. My two favorite songs off of Complicated Simplicity are 'White Walls' and 'Fake Reality' could you expound on those songs a bit?
Appreciate it. White Walls, man, I finished recording that song at 3:00am, I remember I wouldn't stop until I got it right. It was real, a visual of some of the dark scenes of Chicago. Letting people see, while they listen. As far as Fake Reality, I heard the beat from Caleb Crowe, and immediately text him like "yo! I love this", wrote it, it was kind of about females, and some of the second verse was about my ex girlfriend. Sent it over to my fellow Void Squad member, Young Goliath, and there you have, "Fake Reality".
9. There was also a great song that didn't make the album called 'Goodbye' could you tell us about that?
Goodbye was, real, as well, one of my favorites. Everyone always tells me I'm an idiot for not including it. But, it wasn't mixed and mastered completely, just a forgotten song, but when I went back, I was like "woah, this has potential." At the same time, like I said, it was real for me, and I don't think at the time of the release date for the tape, I was ready for it to come out. Then one day, I just said "Lets just finish this up, and out it out." Glad I did.
10. What's your opinion of the Chicago rap scene right now? And what do you think your place is in it?
The Chicago rap scene is evolving, and I can see who's apart of the that evolution. Many different sounds. Man people bringing their own styles, I love it. A lot of those people are friends of mine, so I enjoy all of it. As far as my part, it's my "job" just to leave my mark, and add to the evolution, opening the lanes for people after me. Showing people Chicago has a lot to offer, as my fellow Chicago artists are doing.
11. Ultimately what do you want to accomplish with your music?
Ultimately, I just want to create a great product. That can be appreciated for years to come, timeless. So that kid sitting on the bus going home, can play my music and enjoy him or herself, and not think of anything else. Just as I have done with other artists. Those long walks home. So long, (laughs). I want people to feel as though my music helps them in their life, whether it's to party to, or to relax to. All of which, helps. If I can change the emotions of such people, I'll be happy. That's what all the great have done.
12. Thank you for the interview, it's greatly appreciated. Anything you want to say before you go? Like any new projects or anything coming soon?
First off, thanks for the great questions, you'd be surprised how boring interviews are sometimes, (laughs). But, my new project, The Wonder Tape, comes out in 2014. More specifics soon, but not late 2014. I can say that. Probably before June. Um, I like spaghetti, and Chinese food, and if you'd like to send me Chinese food follow me on twitter, @maxwonders. Thank you.
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