It seems like even 10 years ago, Hip-Hop wasn't so much involved with the image as it is today. Automobiles, Sex With Females Under Intoxication, High Priced Clothing, Weed, Lean. These things often fill the lyrics of your favorite rappers, undeniably noticed or not. It's practically to the point where if you don't look like every famous rapper out (& the millions of wannabes that copy their looks & sound), then you aren't going to get much love from a local base, or the Internet. It's almost ironic. Considering when Hip-Hop was conceptualized In the early 1970's in New York City, it was practically cool to express yourself in your own way & be different from everyone else. Even to the point where other MC's would get their ass beat if thought that they were stealing someone else's style. But fuck it, things change. The pros & cons vary, & you could be a dyslexic bloodhound in a windstorm to realize it. Unless you're a chubby white female.
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